Brand identity design for Galileo-Cocktail Bistró. The concept was to represent the classic part of the italian culture combined with catchy and bright colors to make it look modern and young, and even bold. This idea was rooted in the minds of the owners since the beginning of the project. They wanted to apply it in bar and also the restaurant. Their focus is to take the classic italian culinary ideas, ingredients, origin, and mix them with new techniques, the result is wonderful creative plates and drinks that definitely stand out from the rest of italian restaurants in the area.
The logo also follows the same concept. Which combines two tipografies, one classic and one modern. The disposition of the letters is inspired by the movable-type printing press. The typography was the inspiration to develop icons for the restaurant, for the WC, drinks, lab, exits.
Galileo is located in Barcelona and opened its doors in february 2020.